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Free Meditation - Lessons


Updated: Jan 9

These meditations are a gift from two beautiful people. Jim & Jackie Lindsay. Set your intention and embrace the beautiful gift they gave to many people. I had the privilege in Perth western Australia in the mid 90`s to experience these meditations and they bought peace and guidance to my life. I am sure they will ignite love and light into your journey if you so choose.

There are 9 lessons for you to work through then live them for a year. Then I will post the next set for you to work through. ENJOY

Lesson 1

396 Solfeggio

“ A proper Engine For The soul”

MARC McCUTCHEON (Feb. 93Readers Digest)

Picture a steaming hotdog smothered with mustard and relish. Can you see it? Smell it? Taste it? You can. Yet the hotdog doesn’t exist. Your brain has fired off hundreds of electro-chemical impulses that opened a vast sore of memories; hot dogs eaten at the football; hotdogs sizzling over grills. With the capacity to store billions of bits of information your memory has formed a composite of hotdogs you’ve seen, sniffed or tasted in the past.

The extraordinary scope of our memory is just one of the many wonders of the human body that we often take for granted. Here are others;


More than 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the brain every second, requiring huge amounts of energy. In fact, the brain can burn as many kilojoules in intense concentration as the muscles do during exercise. That is why thinking can be as exhausting as a physical workout.

Because it has no nerve endings, the brain can be burned, frozen or cut without the slightest sensation. In fact, neurosurgeons often operate without anaesthesia; (Headache pain arises outside the brain).

By electrically stimulating the temporal lobe, a surgeon can probe a patient `memories`, bringing vivid recollections back to life. Touching specific parts of the brain can make other body parts respond – a probe in the parietal lobe, for instance may start the hand tingling.


Nasal mucus is the first line of defence against the millions of bacteria that constantly try to invade the body. Those that survive the strong chemicals found in mucus are expelled or swallowed and finished off by stomach acid.

Pollen grains face a different defence system. In their reaction with nasal mucus, they form chemicals that cause a prickly sensation., triggering a sneeze that can eject particles at speeds exceeding 150km/h. The blood vessels in the nasal passage alternate in size every few hours, so that one nasal passage is always open wider than the other.


In 1977 an eight-year-old boy in South Africa was found to have a flower seed sprouting in his left eye, possibly a marigold or a daisy. (It was removed surgically, and the boy’s eye healed). Apparently, the eyes warmth, oxygen, protection from sunlight, and moisture.

Your tears are wonders in themselves. With every blink the eyes are bathed with bacteria-fighting fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands.

The tears caused by irritants differ from tears of sadness, which contains 24 percent more proteins. Both contain prolactin, the same hormone that stimulates milk production. This may explain why women cry more than men.


One square centimetre of human skin contains approximately three million cells, 95 sweat glands, 14 oil glands, 10 hairs, 90 centimetres of blood vessels, 2900 sensory cells and more than three million microscopic animals. Almost all human skin is infested with mites. Even the face. Impossible to wash off, they are probably beneficial, cleansing our follicles and glands. You can see them with a strong magnifying glass.

Blood vessels in the skin will shrink instantly if the skin is cut or if pressure is applied. To observe the reaction, run the edge of a ruler

over your forearm. The white line that appears is caused by a sudden loss of blood volume. (In the case of a cut, this will help limit bleeding). A few seconds after you remove the ruler, the vessels will once again fill with blood and the line will turn red.

The body constantly sheds dead skin cells and replaces them with new ones. Of the dust floating around in the average house, 75% is made up of dead skin cells. The body cools itself through the evaporation of sweat about two litres on an average summer’s day. On humid days, through sweat may fail to evaporate. As a result, human survival time in moist air is greatly reduced. When the air is completely dry, humans can survive a temperature of 90 degrees for an hour or so. In moist air 45-50 degrees is the most we can tolerate and then only briefly.


Stomach acid is one of the most powerful corrosives, it can even dissolve razor blades. In fact, to avoid digesting itself, the stomach must produce a new lining every three days.

The human body is an incredibly efficient machine. To ride a bicycle for an hour at 15km/h , the body requires only about 350 kilojoules from food – the energy equivalent of just three teaspoons of petrol.


Humans can hear frequencies as high as 20,000 hertz (higher than a piccolo) and as low as 20 hertz (lower than a bass fiddle). Curiously the sound of blood flow in the vessels of our head and neck is within hearing range, yet we don’t hear it. Doctors are not sure why.

When we speak the sound of our voices is conducted to our own ears primarily by our bones which slightly alter timbre. That’s why many people don’t recognise tape recordings of their voice – only “air conducted” sound is recorded.

Depending on its origin, sound usually reaches one ear a fraction of a second sooner than the other ear. By calculating this difference, the brain can pinpoint a sound source within two or three degrees.

Scientists have found that the left ear is better at recognising melodies than the right. For trained musicians, however, the right ear is superior. No-one knows exactly why this is so.

The body is many things – a temple, a warehouse, pharmacy, electric company, library, sewage treatment plant – a system, as the essayist Joseph Addison said put together in “so wonderful a manner as to make it a proper engine for the soul”.


I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be. There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security where all things are known and understood. This is the universal Mind; God, of which I am part, and which responds to me as I ask of it. This universal mind knows the answer to all of my problems,  and even now the answers are speeding their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the answers will return to me when they are needed. Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this, only believe. For in the strength of belief, my faith will make it so. I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things in me and around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest need. I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit, and that spirit is perfect; therefore, my body is perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure, no matter what obstacles or undesirable circumstances cross my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but an illusion. There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and serves me now.

J & J Lesson Two

White light meditation

417 Solfeggio

Make sure you are comfortable, legs uncrossed, hands loose in your lap.

Now take a nice slow deep breath, hold and let go.

Take another slow deep breath, hold and let go, bring your 100% energy into the now, this is all that is real. So, with the next slow deep breath, as you breath in curl the toes, tense the feet muscles hold and let go.

Take another slow deep breath, tense the leg muscles all the way up and squeeze the buttocks tight, hold and let go.

With the next slow deep breath, as you breathe in pull the stomach muscles in and hold everything tight, hold and let go.

With the next slow dep breath, as you breathe in turn your hands into fists, tense the arm muscles all the way up, lift your shoulders, hold and let go, and just imagine that your hands are loose and limp like a empty pair of gloves.

With the next slow deep breath, as you breathe in clench the teeth, tense all the muscles of the face, forehead, and scalp, hold and let go and just move your head slowly from side to side making sure your neck is comfortable. Feel yourself slowing right down, feeling pleasantly heavy from head to toe.

Now very peaceful, and any thoughts that may come to you just let them drift in, observe them and let them drift out again.

Now imagine the area on the forehead between the eyes, the third eye area visualize a white light there. Sparkling and shimmering this light is filled with energy, healing, love and protection. Imagine drawing it to yourself, stepping into it and watching it form a bubble all around you, perfectly sealed, very spacious, your very own bubble of protection.

And now we`re going to breath in the qualities of this beautiful light so that it flows through the body, so with the next deep breath, as you breathe in imagine the light flowing up through the nostrils into the head, swirling all around the inside, then flowing out through the throat.

I rid myself of all negativities.

And with the next deep breath, as you breathe in imagine the light flowing down into the chest, swirling around the upper half of the torso, then flowing down the arms into the hands and out through the fingers.

I rid myself of all negativities.

And with the last dep breath, as you breathe in imagine the light flowing down into the stomach, swirling around the lower half of the torso and flowing down through the legs into the feet and out through the toes.

I am completely free of all negativities; I am perfectly protected and perfectly safe.

Now see yourself there in the bubble of light as it flows through the body everywhere it touches it heals, balances and energises and is continually replenished by the bubble of light around you. So, with every breath you draw in the light and with every out breath you feel yourself going deeper and deeper within.

No stress or strain attached to this, no trying, just simply adapt the attitude of watching and listening.

(Music- Silent meditation 20 minutes)

Now we are going to project some love and healing to the world. So visualise the world spinning in front of you, and imagine a gold shaft of light coming down through your crown at the top of the head, down through your body and project it out through your heart upon the world and send your energy to where you feel it is most needed.

(Few minutes silence)

Now I will count backwards from four and you will come back feeling refreshed and awake.

4 Bring back that feeling of peace and love and putting it to good use in your everyday life.

3 Coming back feeling positive knowing that you are loved and cared for in everything that you do.

2 Giving thanks to the Universe for our health and wellbeing.

1 Riggle your fingers and toes, open your eyes and have a stretch.

Lesson Two

The REAL you is SPIRIT, inhabiting the physical body. Within the energy field that surrounds you are three other bodies;

The etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body.

Each of the bodies – including your physical one take seven years each to come to maturity.

The first seven year cycle involves the spirit becoming matter/physical, preparations have to be made for this to happen involving the education of the spirit as to the lessons it needs to learn here, the type of physical being they will be, and the other spirits it will be interacting with here on earth, in order to act out our lessons. So, although it is only a 40 week period for the physical process involved (conception to birth), the entire process is a seven year cycle.

The second seven-year cycle occurs from the moment of birth till age 7 during which time the Etheric body comes into maturity. Because it will eventually have to learn to refine the qualities, an example of this is how children have clairvoyance, the same as mediums – which is the ability to hear or see thought forms from the astral plane. This is a perfectly natural ability which is frequently misunderstood by parents and usually discouraged. The child is NOT imagining these invisible friends! It is seeing what is actually being created in its own energy field by the child’s own feelings.

The third seven year cycle occurs between 7 – 14 in which time the Emotional body matures – this affects the emotions of the child causing fleeting periods of tantrum’s, which they learn to control, and a short span of attention gradually bringing the child to the state of being able to concentrate for longer and longer periods – in other words learning how to control the emotions.

The fourth seven year cycle is the most difficult – the forming of the mental body, during which time the desire nature is boisterous and uncontrolled, and children are extremely sensitive to it. It is a difficult time for everyone, but made easier if the parent understands what is going on, and tolerance and understanding of the process taking place is necessary. So, your teenager is not just going through hormone changes in those teenage years!

So while all the positive forces are taking over in those 21 years, parents are the main source of teaching and example for the kids to follow. IT IS WITH THE PARENTS THAT RESPONSIBILY LIES. THE PARENT is RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST 21 YEARS OF THEIR CHILD~S LIFE. They must be prepared to be guides, counsellors and friends of their children till they reach the age of 21, at which time their mental bodies are in the condition to take over – NO MATTER HOW MATURE OR IMMATURE THAT PERSON APPEARS TO BE. Then in order that the child may become a self-confident adult, ALL PARENTAL CONTROL MUST CEASE. Thereafter a parent should only offer advice when asked for. TO FEEP AN ADULT ATTACHED TO PARENTS “APRON STRINGS” IS DAMAGING TO BOTH CHILD AND PARENT and stops growth for both of them.

Once age 21 is reached the ego is ready and eager to stand alone and must be allowed to do so. He will make mistakes, we have all done so, it is one of the most important ways in which we learn our lessons.

THESE FIRST FOUR BODIES COME INTO MATURIY AUTOMATICALLY, BUT THE OPENING UP OF THE NEXT THREE IS ENTIRELY UP TO US< AND IT CAN HAPPEN IN VARING LENGHTS OF TIME< OR NOT AT ALL. We will go further into that later. It is within our capability to create seven bodies within our energy field while here on earth.

On the other side when our soul decides to re-incarnate, the spirit who volunteered for the job has to be prepared for his decent into matter, e.g. he puts on the MENTAL BODY – UNDERWARE




Each of which will be shed in the reverse order once we`ve finished with the physical body and return to the planes.

(The PLANES represents different states of consciousness. )

Now, where does this spirit and soul come from? They are obviously very aware of what we, as a human, need to be able to function on this earth.

EVERYTHING is created first in the Etheric, all things that are Matter were created in the invisible First.

Do you believe that GOD was the creator? God created the soul which has the ability to create the spirit.

In the bible it states that man was made in the image of god – yet how can we ALL be the same as GOD, with our different features and different coloured skin? Have you heard of the DNA? There are no two DNAS the SAME – but when you put together ALL the DNAs of all mankind you have the pattern of GODs DNA!!

We come to this earth to learn to overcome every negativity, and to find our inner connection with the God energy.

When we are UNAWARE of that fact, life can be very hard, but once we become AWARE it all can be made smooth, and we can rediscover abilities that are latent within us and rise above all negativity. Because we are a part of that God DNA, we have the same abilities as God in a minuscule way: _ God creates, we create, and the way we create is through FEELINGS which create energy.

We surround ourselves with family and people who also volunteered to come here and learn together and help each other, and no matter how negative a situation appears to be there is always a lesson in it for you to progress towards enlightenment. You will learn that life is only as we PERCEIVE it to be.

That all situations are created by OURSELVES.

That we need depend on no other person for our happiness.

The way to true happiness is to find inner peace and love of SELF, which in turn, projects out to all around us, and transforms our world.

First step   -                                MEDITATION

Second step -                            Awareness

Third step -                                Listening to your GUT FEELINGS



Become aware that everything we look upon was conceived first in thought; and where does the inspiration for that thought come from?

We are like a fish in a sea of universal Intelligence, we are completely surrounded by it. It is within us and PART of us – we just need to become AWARE of that, then look out at the world and the people in it with different eyes.

A question was asked about handicapped people and the 21-year parent responsibilities-

If the handicap is PHYSICAL – same rule applies, let them do what they want, just be there to give help if asked.

If it is MENTAL handicap – you have a permanent responsibility – a permanent child. But always the parent has free will, and they can decide if they are to be the carer, or a home is the solution. If a home is chosen, it is still their responsibility to keep tabs on what happens to their child in that situation.

The actions of the parents should always be for the love of the child, and if love is not a consideration then the parents are creating a Karmic situation for themselves.


I know that I am one with the Universal Mind. I know this mind is perfect and I may rely upon it for complete guidance in all my daily affairs. This Universal Mind, this great subconscious Mind, this mind of god knows no evil or limitation or lack. It simply creates in my experience that which I believe and accept. Therefore, I deny all evil and all error. When my eyes and my senses are deluded with the apparent circumstances of evil, I turn away, lifting my thoughts to the perfection and abundance and love of all the universe. I know god does not create evil; and I know that by using the power of God I am able to deny evil, which is only illusion, simply error, and will not stand before truth. For the great reality is good, which is always attempting to manifest itself. I know that error or evil is the result of my own thought, is the result of error on my part, is the result of isolating myself from the power of the Universal Mind. I know that the Universal Mind is constantly creating in my experience that which I think, and if evil is manifested, it has come from my own thought; and my own thought may as quickly deny it. I do not will anything to happen, for I am not bigger than God. I simply understand that the law of creation is bigger than I am and that I cannot help my thoughts and beliefs from becoming real in my experience. Therefore, I hold my thoughts steadfast on the good. I do not do this with effort as if I were commanding something to act. I simply relax in contemplation of the good, secure in the knowledge that everything rests with a power much greater than I am. I trust this power. I have complete faith and confidence in this power. I rely upon this power for guidance in all my daily affairs. I refuse to accept evil, and evil is gone. I accept good, and the supply and love of the universe are mine.

J & J Lesson Three

The Energy Centres

528 Solfeggio

As I`ve explained to you, are truly a being of light – a spirit – that uses this body – our vehicle – to come to Earth to try to overcome negativity and to find our connection with god energy.

We have discussed the miracle of the human body, and last week you learned something about the first four of our seven bodies.

Those spiritual, unseen, bodies have a great influence on our lives in that certain energy centres within our etheric body are activated and eventually opened up by our feeing’s – the way we perceive things to be.

In the women are open but when we are born the majority of these close down depending upon the type of circumstances we are born into.

The majority of females only have the first three activated, and males only the first two.

They can only open in order.

They cannot be done for lots of money by someone else. Only you can do it.

Most books will tell you there are only 7 main chakras, with lots of lesser ones. White Eagle books state 8 – we have learned that there are 12 positive and 10 negatives, and the opening up and closing down of these depends entirely on the way you look at life and the people in it.

If you have a belief in trying to live your life to the best of your ability, trying not to judge others, trying to help others etc – then you will activate the rest of your positive chakras and weaken the negative ones. If you get very much wrapped up in the belief of EVIL the DEVIL, a WRATHFUL GOD, you will activate your negative chakras and weaken the positive ones.

As you activate each chakra your physical body vibrations heighten and the colour of the chakras, when the 7th one is opened, will all merge into white light – what is actually happening is that the being of light is starting to come down into the physical body to help towards perfection in every way. REMEMBER EVERYTHING STARTS IN THE INVISIBLE FIRST BEFORE IT CAN APPEAR IN THE PHYSICAL.

When the chakra is fully open, it will start to activate certain circumstances in your life which in turn help to open up the next one, and so on; so that you become more and more aware of how you are creating your life circumstances. YOU ARE BECOMING A CREATOR; you are starting to tap into universal Energy of God that is all around us and within us.

With the opening of the heart, throat and third eye chakras you will AUTOMATICALLY start to experience PHYSIC things. You will find lots of “coincidences” happening to help you along – the right books turning up, the right people coming onto your path to help you. THIS IS THE STAGE THAT YOU ARE ALL AT NOW.

You could experience ‘feeling’ presence ‘seeing’ in your meditations or even in the physical life. Getting premonitions that come true for yourself or for others. Automatic writing, voice channelling – etc. These are all very new and exciting, BUT DON’T GET STUCK IN THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT THE ULTIMATE. ALLPSYCHIC THINGS ARE CREATED BY OUR ENERGY and misuse of this energy can result – at the least, in physical burn-out or at the worst in developing your NEGATIVE chakras instead – TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST.

BALANCE is the answer, we need to learn to handle both the positive and negative to generate the power to activate our SPIRITUAL energy centres, in which our physical energy is not used up. Once we tap into the spiritual Universal energy, that is all around us to help our journey through life, then we have unlimited energy at our fingertips for all aspects of our life. The opening of the 7th chakra brings you the awareness of this energy and the gradual knowledge of how to tap into it.

A LOT OF PEOPLE GET STUCK AT NO 6, it all seems so miraculous to us, all these new happenings, but there can be much better things ahead. From the point of the 7th chakra opening the body will almost completely filled with the light, but that is then the END of the automatic process. The remaining chakras 8-12 can only be opened because you WANT to do it and in full awareness, because all those things that have happened UP TO THAT POINT, can be carried out without you having any awareness of the process what – so - ever.

AT THIS POINT you will positive or negative forces into FULL AWARENESS. Whichever path we choose we will start the process of shutting down all the opposing chakras. If you have chosen the negative path yoa are effectively serving your link to the lovinghave certain powers and abilities, and the urge to go still further into the UNKNOWN will force you into making THE DECISION IN FULL AWARENESS of which path you wish to tread – it is at this stage that people either decide on the spiritual path or the occult, or Black magic. THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN AUTOMATICALLY, IT IS OUR CHOICE. We have created the circumstances to come into our life whereby we KNOWINGLY activate the 8th chakra (Etheric Body) positive chakra then the Christ Energy, then the God energy within,


The 8th negative chakra – then the anti-Christ, then the anti-God energy within. By the time the 7th chakra has fully open we have created a balance between the negative and positive chakra in our body (for example –( a car battery needs positive and negative terminals to create ENERGY) that activates the POWER within us to let these positive or negative forces into FULL AWARENESS. Whichever path we choose we will start the process of shutting down the opposing chakras. If you have chosen the negative path you are effectively serving your link to the loving God, and you have chosen the hardest path to be able to find Him again. It`s a path of self-destruction which looks vey inviting initially. So, we have to start in a small way to achieve all this, and by focusing in finding the positive in every situation, no matter how bad, we can avoid a lot of unnecessary pain.

The universal Mind of God knows neither good – nor evil – it is completely neutral. EVIL IS THE RESULT OF MANS THOUGHTS, NOT GODS.


I know and recognize my oneness with all things. I know that all form and all circumstance are the creation of an infinite intelligence that is in and around me. I know all things are a result of conception and desire, that my world is ordered according to my own thoughts and convictions. There-fore I concentrate on harmony. I see nothing but order and constructiveness all about me. I do not accept thoughts of destructiveness and disharmony. In my friends, my loved ones, my fellow workers, I see nothing but cooperation and assistance. I know that we all seek the same answers and the same goals. I know that each person must follow a different path toward his vision, and I understand the searching’s and the copings of everyone I know and see. I have empathy and tolerance for all things and all people. I know that in as much as I help others, I help myself. In my brothers’ eye there is my own soul. In my friends smile there is my own humour. In my neighbours’ sorrow there is my own loss. I have compassion and understanding for all things, for this life in which I have my being strives for understanding of itself. I deny error; it is simply progress toward truth. I know that it is impossible to fail when faith is present. I do not order things to be made in my time or in my place but trust the Universal Mind in its own great knowledge of the tome and place and the need and the way. Each moment of each day brings my life closer to realization. The objects of my work are being accomplished this very minute. Success and harmony, peace and confidence are mine.

J & J Lesson Four

639 Solfeggio

Tonight we will talk about help that is given to you from the other side to help you in your life on Earth. We have lots of helpers.

Remember, that we are a being of light which is using this body as a means to live on the Earth plane – the body is not the REAL you.

At conception the spirit enters the baby, the umbilical cord is its means of nourishment and energy from the mother . At birth the cord is severed, but there is another cord – an invisible one, which is our connection to our soul, and from then on our energy comes from that. In books you will see that described as the silver cord, which is very very elastic and while we live in rather than angel, because it is not fo this physical body it remains attached – it is our link with the other side – which is our TRUE home.

You may have heard of astral travel, where a person feels the sensation of actually leaving the physical body and experiences travelling or flying, while watching all the scenery on the way. If this ever happens to you, never fear that the cord will be broken so that you can’t get back to your body, that just wont happen. The only time that the cord is severed is at the moment of physical death.

At that moment of a birth, a “Guardian angel” is allotted to each person – I would rather you focus on “ Guardian” rather than angel, because it is not from the angelic realms, it is a spirit who has experienced life on Earth, and therefore is aware of all the difficulties of life here, so that it can be of assistance to us. That guardian is with us right through our life, and its role is to protect us from certain negative energy fields that are present here on Earth. Think of the term GUARDIAN and ANGEL – it conjures up the thought of someone tall and strong who wraps himself around us to keep us protected and safe. This planet is extremely dense, and difficult to live upon – we need all the help we can get.

Now the SOUL that we are attached to has a very important role, it has many aspects, all of which go to making up the type of person that we are, and the physical and mental attributes that we have.

In the beginning God created the souls and made them separate from himself so that he could experience different levels of existence. They are made up of the same qualities and energies as God, but being smaller they have a smaller capacity to create – all is relative. The soul experiences existence on all the planes right down to Earth every positive experience energizes the soul. Its main task is to find its way BACK to God in a perfected state, to merge with the energy field of God, thus creating MORE energy.

To help the soul in its enabled to send out spirit aspects that’s US.

Imagine the soul to be like an octopus with the body sitting safely on the planes and its legs representing each spirit line that it sends down to Earth for experience, and the consequent gathering of energy. There can be hundreds of legs.

The soul can gain its experiences to perfect itself either on the spiritual planes or here on Earth – this is the hardest path, but it gains the most “Brownie points”.

The task of each aspect when it comes to Earth is to learn to balance negativity with positive, thus creating POWER, then we use that power to rediscover our connection and UNION with God. The soul either stays where it is, or progresses up or down the planes in direct response to how we live our lives here. NOT AT THE END OF OUR LIFETIME BUT WHILE WE`RE LIVING IT. Obviously if we become AWARE of our soul and all our helpers, then the souls progress becomes more rapid. THE SOUL HELPS US AND WE HELP THE SOUL. GOD HELPS THE SOUL AND THE SOUL HELPS GOD. ITS ALL CIRCLES

On leaving this earth plane our spirits desire is to re-unite with its soul. The souls desire is to re-unite with God. Circles again.

It may take the experience of many spirit aspects to create the energy for the soul to re-unite with God. BUT no spirit experience is ever wasted, all is useful in the perfecting of the soul.

This brings us now to REINCARNATION. There is a great misunderstanding about reincarnation. Once on the spiritual path, information comes to you about past lives. Great detail is given about dates, country of birth, occupation, and life experiences which seem to affect you in THIS lifetime. There is much talk about past karma carrying over into NOW.

AS a spirit occupying a physical body you have never experienced this earth before, you have never lived any of these lives. But within you are the MEMORIES of all the other aspects of your soul, the sum total of their experiences all there within you ready to be tapped into when the time is right, so its MEMORIES you`re tapping INTO, NOT personal EXPERIENCES.

Let us look at the meaning of words; -

INCARNATE -Embodied in flesh

REINARNATE -To give another body

Everyone looks on reincarnation as the Human having lots of lives, in order to learn. Understanding that it is the soul that `embodies in flesh` that is given another body, in order to learn. The soul and God create a new spirit each time to give life to the new body.

Life is eternal, the body is not, unless we perfect it. It is not the human beings having to keep coming back. The human lives here! It is the SOUL who lives in the ether, putting a new spirit into a body each time, in this way, IT keeps COMING BACK. It starts AT HOME (our spiritual home), reincarnates to live here, seeking to perfect itself. Not the other way around.

Before we come here it is precisely and mathematically worked out; when we will come here, what type of person we will be, what lessons we have to learn to help our souls progress, and which other souls we will interact with to help us work these lessons out. The timing is PRECISE right down to the second, for that determines which planetary influences will affect us. Our place in the zodiac also determines the type of person we will be including the strengths and the weaknesses, which can be worked on and changed into more strengths. The others we work with are members of our group souls – the same souls interact together in all their lifetimes. These people will include family members and close friends and associates – in other words, people who affect your life strongly in either a negative or a positive way. So it could be a loving husband or a pig of a husband, it could be a close and loving son or one who breaks your heart. It could be a sister you adore or one who you have always been intensely jealous of. It could be a warm and loving mum or a mum who you’ve never been able to get close to. IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOUR LESSONS; the life experiences your soul group chose in order to attain perfection.

You know where it says in the bible that we are all perfect in Gods eyes, well you look around and you see malformed bodies, intellectual handicaps, people who seem far from perfect; but we are perfect for the task in hand. We`re meant to be all shapes and sizes, have all kinds of temperaments, be imperfect in the eyes of humanity – for these imperfections are not a PROBLEM, but a CHALLENGE, and when you start to look at the OTHER PEOPLE in that light, your life turns around.

You, as a spirit, are eternal, but your body at this stage, is not. When you have completed your mission here you are free to leave, the body stays behind but the etheric mind lives on forever and goes out onto the plane that it has earned admission to – there to keep on working to help others and itself and its soul. ALL is PROGRESS.

You`ve heard of guides, our guides are our own souls’ aspects – a part of our true self. Here is the importance of meditation. When we meditate, we still ourselves, we go within and we initially contact our higher self. That in turn leads to contact with our guide – yet another aspect of our self. And here is the half-truth, the initial difficulty that all people feel when they first make contact “IS IT JUST ME” – YES, IT IS, but THAT’S THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!

As your vibrations rise and your awareness broadens your guides change, help you to the limit of their capabilities, then pass you on to higher more experienced guides, till finally you earn the attention of a teacher. A teacher is not of your soul’s aspect. A teacher is a very high being who will help you along the path of self-perfection, and consequently, the perfection of your soul. Teachers are perfected spirits. They have experienced exactly the same problems as us while they were here, they are very understanding and compassionate, and completely non- judgemental, and it is their role to teach US TO BE THE SAME!

You see, there are lots of beings to help us in our struggles, but they can’t do that until we reach out to them, and that’s what you’re doing when you sit in meditation and that’s the first step.

Understanding a little now about the group souls and how we are meant to interact with each other, and accept each other, that we are put together to WORK together and to help each other up the path to perfection, I ask you now to broaden your outlook to the rest of humanity.

Everyone of us is here for the same purpose to perfect ourselves, and our soul, and to realize our One-ness with God. Our souls are a part of that God energy, We are a part of that God energy, every living thing is part of that God energy.

We now must look at our brothers with a compassionate eye instead of a critical one. We can recognize that some are further along the path than others, but never – the – less we will all merge on the One path eventually. Each person’s path is the one of his choosing, it will be different to see only a tiny part of that Souls destiny and we don’t know the lessons they have agreed to come here to learn.

Once we realize that other people are not in our lives to HINDER us, but to HELP us and that we have much help from the other side in all things, then we can start to relax into this earthly experience, and all fear is removed from our thinking, our lives. We are part of one great PLAN.

Reach out for this help that is there for you, concentrate on correcting only your OWN self’s failings and fears – perfect YOURSELF, then turn around and help others to that same perfection.


I know that all of life exists within me. Here in my heart and mind, in the recesses of my being, there is utter calm, a place of unruffled and placid waters, where the truth is apparent, and the clamour of the world does not exist. I see about me the thoughts of all mankind, for these thoughts have become things. Whatever is good among these thought-things I accept; whatever is evil I ignore; for my concern is only with truth and understanding, which is forever the lovely and the good and expanding. My mind moves easily to the furthermost reaches of space, in all directions, and just as easily moves back to me once again. I am the centre of the universe. God, the universal Subconscious Mind, has made himself manifest through me. I know that my purpose in life is to reach ever upward and outward, to expand in knowledge and love and unity. I place my future in divine hands. I turn over each problem of my life to that great all- knowing mind to which all things are possible. I do not tell God how to bring these things about. I have complete confidence that every circumstance that comes my way is part of a perfect plan to convert the image of my faith into physical reality. Even now the universe seeks to answer my every need. As I believe in my heart, so shall it be done unto me; this is the law of life and of living. There is greatness in my friend and in my enemy, for we are all brothers seeking the same high mountain along many paths. God, who made all creatures, made no poor creature, for HE made only of himself. I am prosperous for God owns everything. I am vigorous for God is all vigour. I need only open my mind and my heart, keep my thoughts in the path of truth, and I am filled to overflowing with the power and abundance and love of the universe.

Introduction to Lesson 5

741 Solfeggio

It is suggested that before you read this that you gather together the `setting` for the lesson, just as we do in the classroom a small vase of flowers, of different variety, or even leaves and berries what matters is that they be fresh. I once used a bowl of silk flowers because I had nothing in the garden, and I quickly realized that they did not have the same impact, for there was no LIFE in them! Also some feathers, stones, or crystals, a few shells. This is a lesson about AWARENESS and APPRECIATION.

It is also suggested that, later, you colour in your poem sheets, thus bringing them to life, and adding your own energy.

Here are two extracts from books which are very relevant to this lesson;


(morning has been all night coming by John Harrichan)



Lesson Five

This week’s topic is on AWARENESS. Mankind on the whole is very unaware. He perceives only his own small world and the people in it, that affect him directly. He is possessed by his own thoughts and feelings and judges the rest of his world and the people in it, by his own yardstick.

Not only are we influenced by our parents, teachers and associates, but also the media, the church and other bodies of authority. All these people see the world their way, judge what is right or wrong by their beliefs, then they push this hotchpotch of information on us. Then we judge the rest of the world by our own yardstick; he’s richer than me, she’s fatter than me, he’s more brainy than I am, and so it goes on. No wonder the world is in such a mess.

The only way to STOP all this is to realize that we are the Being of Light in the physical body that has come here to learn to rise above all that.

Once we can grasp the fact that all that happens to us is of our OWN creation caused by our OWN feeling, which then cause us to be engineered into a learning position with others by our invisible helpers, then we start to see that denying negativity and recognizing TRUTH sets us free..

We are a being of energy, surrounded and permeated by energy, as in EVERYONE on this planet. That energy is there for us to work with to help us in our learning, and every negative situation, when it is recognized to be a learning process, is transformed into more energy for us as we become aware of that. And so, we strengthen ourselves with this learning process.

All lessons from the past are steppong stones which have got you to where you are now- recognize them as that, don’t make the mistake of turning them into stumbling blocks! It is far easier to forgive yourself for past transgressions when you realize that each situation was an opportunity for you to grow. If partners were involved, it was an opportunity for you both. The following “ LIFES Lesson” may help to clarify that for you.


I give thanks to all the people

Who have played a part in my life

And to all those who will enter it in the years to come.

I thank you for the lessons I will learn from you all,

For I know you are all my teachers.

I thank you all for the joyful lessons and the painful ones

And I hope I have been a good pupil.

We must thank each other for the joy and the pain

We experienced in the time we spent together,

Be it long….or short.

I give thanks that our paths crossed,

As they were meant to do.

I give thanks for the laughter and the tears,

The times of joy we shared

And the battles won and lost

For every experience was a lesson

And I hope when the lesson was through,

I walked away from it, a stronger, wiser and more caring person.

I hope if I have hurt you,

You will forgive me the hust I caused,

For as you know, lessons are not always easy to learn.

But if through all the sorrow,

You can find it in your heart to forgive,

And carry on caring for me, if not loving me,

Then we both will have benefitted so much.

Life is full of richness and rewards for us all.

There is no failure, just better understanding

For ourselves and others around us.

Go forth in this understanding

And reap your rewards.

The next step is to forgive others and this lovely little poem “The Act of Forgiving” will help you with that;


Life is not always easy living

But God gave you love and the act of forgiving

People sometimes seem unkind

But to their problem we are blind.

We do not know their life’s plan

We should not judge another man

Just send them thanks and send them love

For they are children of the Lord above.

For everything they say and do

Its Gods plan even if it upsets you

They maybe someone you meet passing through

Or they might be family born to you.

God gave you love and the act of forgiving

You can make your life easy living.

This poem really highlights the fact that we don’t know another person’s problems, or their life plan, which could include US. We really do have to give others the freedom to learn their lessons too, and when we do that, we help ourselves as well as them.

The final step is to always LIVE IN THE NOW, that way you don’t waste energy regretting or living in the past, you don’t waste time worrying about the future and what it may bring, instead you draw all your energy into the present and live life to the full – the way we were meant to.

When we live completely in the now without wasting our energy, we start to slow down and tune in to the “energies” all around us. Our contact with the other side gets clearer and clearer. Our awareness of all things heightened and at last we start to see the true beauty which we are surrounded by. We see the miracles of ourselves and nature and at last we come in to full appreciation of what God has provided for us, and our relationship with Him. We relax into letting go and letting GOD.

This poem shows you the benefits of this-

If things I want don’t come to me

Then I should know it wasn’t meant to be

Don’t waste precious time looking behind

For you know God has something else in mind

When the time is right and the motive true

God will give these things to you

Think of the now and the rest of the day

Let go of thoughts of yesterday

Tomorrow will be a brand-new day

Leave it to Gods to show you the way

So, don’t live with stress and your anger vent

Just know each day is heaven sent. 

You will find that living in the NOW gives you more time. You seem to be able to fit much more into 24hrs, and there is time for rest and contemplation.

Even a simple thing like a vase of flowers can give you great insight when you Really look at it.


On your table sits a vase of flowers

Do you look at them and see their power?

Do you feel the love these flowers bring?

For love of each other is everything

Each flower has a message of its own

Like us, from a single seed is grown

Some are very open with nothing to hide

Some you have to look closely to see the inside.

Some are tall and straight of stem

As if nothing on earth can hurt them

Others are soft and grow together

And need a little protection from the weather.

Some seem to listen to what you say

Others turn their heads away

Some have petals that seem to want to enfold

Some throw themselves open, the world to behold.

The depth of colour and scent of these flowers

Show to us all, in them is Gods power

And if you look closely you will see

His power is also in you and me.

But no matter what these flowers say to you

You feel their love coming through

And even with imperfection a flower you love

For even this flower belongs to God above.

And as you accept all the flowers on your table

Accept all living things

For if you are willing – you are able.

We begin to cultivate an appreciation of the smallest action, which then leads us on to an acknowledgement of the importance of love.


Our world is a world full of treasure

Its full of beauty that gives us pleasure

But we must appreciate the smallest of things

And see the joy that it brings.

A hug, a kiss, a touch so light

Can make everything seem so very right

Just think of the power behind all this

A mother can soothe all with a touch or a kiss.

And a loved one’s kiss can make the bells ring

For love for each other is everything

And in times of sickness and sorrow

Strength from a caress from someone, we can borrow

The showers of rain that makes things grow

The sun and the moon in the sky that glow

These things are very important to us

But do we think of this as though our lives we rush

The warmth of the sun gives life to the flowers

And a rainbow it gives us, in a rain shower

The moon at night lights our way

The twinkling stars seem to say

We are the brightest diamonds of all

Lift your head to us and always walk tall

A healthy heart in your body beats

It keeps you alive even as you sleep

And if we have a body with good health

Then our lives are full of wealth.

And if our lungs we can fill with fresh clean air

We can live our life free of care

So always look for the treasures that are given to you

Appreciate them all your life through.

For our world is a world full of wealth

They are given with love so enjoy with good health.

The last paragraph of that piece mentions wealth. Our awareness of TRUE wealth opens up our appreciation of life even further.


What do I think of when I think of wealth?

Do I think of myself happy and in good health?

Do I think wealth is my eyes that allow me to see?

I can look and see the wealth around me.

Do I think wealth is my home, humble and small?

As in it, I feel loved by all.

Wealth is the laughter, the love and the cheer

Living with people who hold me dear.

Wealth is my garden full of flowers and birds of song

Here I can sit in peace all the day long.

What do I think of when I think of wealth?

Is it the material things that sit upon my shelf?

Is it my body adorned with trinkets of gold?

Or a purse full of money my mind beholds?

If I think with wealth a car a boat can be mine

Then I know I am so very Blind.

Wealth is not a money tree,

Wealth is things given free.

A rich man who gives a little money,

Still has plenty of milk and honey,

And in giving, the pleasure will be small.

A poor person who gives can walk tall,

For what they give, they give with love from the heart,

For from their, “wealth”, never will they part.

And finally, a different awareness of our body and its uses.


Have you ever thought of your body as gods workshop?

In his workshop he has placed all the equipment needed to live life. First of all we have a heart – a generator to pump the sustain life to all our other tools.

We have lungs to filter the air

We have brains, a computer to store all messages

We have a microphone – our voice, to give the messages

We have ears, receivers of messages

We have eyes, torches to light our way

We have arms, forklifts to enable us to lift

We have hands, pliers to hold things

We have muscles, vices to squeeze.

Our legs are vehicles for mobility

And feet – the wheels for our vehicle.

We have a skeleton, scaffolding to support our bodies.

We are truly a workshop belonging to God.

Let the output from this workshop be top quality,

So as others will keep returning to us

Because what leaves this workshop,

Is Gods perfection.

One night when we were away in Britain, I was being shown the lines of a chapter in my third book, it was beautiful stuff about our journey across America. Jim was sound asleep beside me, and all the while he quietly puffed and snorted, tweaked and twitched and it was put to me how REALLY like a vehicle the body is for the true self. So, I picked up the pen and received the following.

Clever is it not, how the self-parks the vehicle (beds the body) for the night. It leaves it parked with the engine on while it slips away to explore and work on outer plans, and the body ticks on – fuel flowing, engine ticking over, gases building and escaping (!!!) and you observe that if the machine has not been serviced by right thinking, that the blocks become apparent while the body is in repose.

`Snoring` - the sinuses, affected by unshed tears or blocked cavities;

Excess gas by over fuelling – a lack of love? So, a need for extra fuel?

All kinds of reasons Jackie. And so, the miracle of the human body goes on and on, observed by few, for all take that wonderful machine entirely for granted. And so, it ticks away until spirit that turned the key to activate it, turns the key once again to cease the endless workings when there is no further need for that vehicle.

When Jim and I discussed that writing the next day he observed “Take the spark away – the one that keeps the engine running – and that’s it our spark of god.


I listen to the voice of the universe as it speaks within me. It is the voice of truth and it guides me unerringly along the paths of my life. Somewhere deep within me, in the perfect bud of my soul, there stands an immobile universe where all things and all law lie revealed. I reach within to this place of peace and quietness. I harken to the voice of my heart. I close my eyes and sense a living, breathing universe dwelling within me, and I dwelling in it. I am one with all people and all life and all things. I move in accordance with divine law. All the limitless power of creation is mine to draw upon, for it is in me and one with me and I am part of it. The answer comes with the question; the path is lighted with the first step; the way is cleared with the looking; the goal is in sight with the desire. I know that I am fulfilling the fondest wish of God, for I place myself in His hands, taking each step of my life boldly and strongly, for it is God who prompts me, and God moves with sureness. I see tomorrow for I know today, and this day is father of tomorrow.  The things of my life are the children of my thoughts, and my thoughts of today are even now bearing the children of tomorrow. All that is good I desire; all that is evil I refuse to accept. By attaining, I do not deprive. All that is and ever will be available to every man; he need only ask, and it shall be given. I bind my self to the power for good that surges heavenward all around me. The limits and inhibitions of my past are gone. Each day is a new birth of my soul. Each day is another step on my journey to oneness with God. I do not seek, I know. I do not strive, I am guided.

J & J Lesson Six

852 Solfeggio

Last week we spoke about becoming aware of all that is around us, how we are a part of the universal Energy, and how – by stilling ourselves and learning to live in the now, we can knowingly tap into this energy, and watch for the signs and messages it brings to us to enhance our life here on earth.

This wonderful temple that we live in – the body, provides us with the tools that we need to function, and the most vital to our spiritual needs are the MIND and the HEART. The spiritual functions of these two organs are far different from the physical functions.

A guide once told me “Man does not realize the magnificence that lies between the ears”.

We need to think of the brain and the mind as being one and the same thing. NOT SO. The brain is merely the sorting box for all the things that come to it, but the mind is what picks up on all the circumstances around us that we can see, and also all the universal thoughts that are being put to us 24 hours a day.


If we live in a happy positive environment , it is automatic to also think positive. But if we live in an unhappy negative situation, we will automatically pick up only the negative thoughts.

There seems to be two types of people in life; those who seem to sail through life with very little hardship – and when they are adversely affected they simply pick themselves up, brush themselves down, and get back into the flow of life again with little damage. The other type of person is the one who seems to suffer one set back after another, they struggle through life making the same mistakes time after time and just cant seem to get off the merry-go round – no progress made.

When we become aware that our thoughts do not come from ourselves and that we can select the way we want to think, then we can consciously say “I choose only the POSITIVE, I refuse to accept NEGATIVITY any longer”. AND THEN WORK ON IT AND APPLY IT TO YOUR LIFE.

The conscious mind reacts to what we see, hear and physically feel, but the subconscious mind picks up and works on our HIDDEN feelings about life. In any given situation we can say one thing, but feel another, and it is these FEELINGS that the Universal Mind works on.

AS A MAN THINKS FEELS AND BELIEVES, SO IS THE CONDITION OF HIS MIND, BODY AND CIRCUMSTANCES. All of our outer circumstances reflect what we truly feel inside. So, when you look around at other people’s lives doesn’t that start to make you realize how unhappy and insecure the average human is! Doesn’t that then make it easier to accept them and realize that they too are seeking! Doesn’t it make it easier to remove judgement of them when you know that their feelings have made them what they are! Doesn’t it make you sit up and take notice when you look at your own life and realize that your own secret feelings – or at least, you THOUGHT they were secret! – have bought into being your state of health and the circumstances that you live in. 


Each individual has been chosen carefully for the lessons they have to learn in life; both for their own soul’s progress and for the progress of the other souls within their group. Their star sign determines the type of personality they will have, and the strengths and weaknesses of character. KNOWING now that we have all been bought together to help strengthen each other, sometimes in the most unlikely life circumstances, we can stop feeling like victims and take up the CHALLENGE. The power of the mind WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE HEART is your biggest asset.

There are many books on the powers of the subconscious mind, they tell us that when we knowingly tap into it by using affirmations, we can produce everything we need to live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly. Whatever we want we can draw forth. It is stated that we can even produce great riches, if that is what we continually focus on. Or draw the right partner to ourselves. Or create the type of life that we want to live. And certainly, your life does seem to take a turn for the better when you start to use the methods. ALL BOOKS ON MIND POWER ARE SCIENTIFICALLY WORKED OUT – they are based on the laws of relativity.

There are certain principles regarding physics, maths, and chemistry which remain unchanged – e.g. In physics – E -MC2 Einstein’s famous theory which is used as a basis to measure mass and energy ALWAYS.

In geometry nr- the circumference of a circle ALWAYS nr 2is the area of a circle ALWAYS. In chemistry – matter expands when heated. This is true anywhere, at any time and under all circumstances. You can heat a piece of steel, and it will expand regardless whether the steel is found in China, England or India. And so the scientific theory expands to the mind – “YOUR SUBCONCIOUS MIND IS PRINCIPLE AND WORKS ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF BELIEF”.


Using these statements as a basis, we can then begin to re=programme the feelings of the subconscious, knowing that it works automatically to bring forth our feelings into our lives. REMEMBER EVERYTHING ORIGINATES IN THOUGHT. IT ALL BEGINS WITH THOUGHT FIRST, WHICH IS ENERGIZED BY FEELING, WHICH RESULTS IN MATTER.

Thought – feeling – matter.

Using the scientific, man made approach to activating the subconscious will bring about changes in your life. You can produce riches, partners, elevated circumstances in your life – but will THEY MAKE YOU HAPPY? AND WILL THEY LAST?

In all things scientific there is one vital element missing. The one energy that is behind EVERYTHING – and that is LOVE. Love is the intelligence which the Universe provides for us to enable us to tap into the universal Law of cause and effect. LOVE IS THE KEY. To knowingly turn that key, we must use the power of the HEART. There is a hidden power within the heart which operates in a higher range of frequency bands than the mind. The heart is a conduit for the power of love, it is the place of contact for this power.

Love is the core frequency one energy with which God created all.

We should always try to manage our mental, emotional and physical energies from the heart so that we connect with the higher power and intelligence; -Universal mind, or god.

The heart has a separate intelligence fro the mind, it makes it easier to picture this if you liken it to a computer; the heart being the mainframe with direct connection to the operators (our soul and God), and the head being the subterminal.

According to the choices people make they tap into programmes of past life, this life, future possibilities etc... and each pattern is like the chapter in a book. The total compact intelligence of each person is locked within them, waiting to be tapped into when their vibration has reached a certain level. We can look on God as being the mainframe that everyone is linked into. But it takes certain combinations of power to enable us to do that.

The hearts programmes are love, compassion, forgiveness, etc.. whereas the brains programmes are ambition, judgementalness, greed, hatred and envy. (All of these having their roots in fear and insecurity).

The brain runs at these fear programmes when it is cut off rom the heart, but when the mind is directed by the heart it becomes illuminated and functions at its fullest potential.


Fear and insecurity are warning signals that we have disconnected from Love, and this love must be found WITHIN.


Then we will start to harmonize our entire mental and emotional natures and bring balance and fulfilment into our life.


Learn to neutralize how you feel about a situation. YOU CAN’T NECSESSARY CHANGE THE EVENTS OF THE DAY, BUT YOU CAN STOP YOUR NEGATIVE.

This week I have tried to give you some insight into the Laws of life and how we can use them to our benefit.

We now know that the changes we must make to improve our life must begin with OURSELVES AND THE WAY WE THINK AND FEEL.

The next step is to enable us to tap into this universal Energy to activate its power for our ultimate good is TO HAND UP ALL OUR PROBLEMS TO GOD. SIT IN SILENCE AND MENTALLY GIVE THEM UP – “Here they are God”. I’m giving them to you. I’m working on myself now to make me a better person so that I can help others. I know that your universal Energy knows the answers to all things. I realize now that I created all these problems, and so I ask you to take them off me so that I may grow, and never fall into the trap of making more problems ever again.


Having done this, know that God now swings into action. IT CANT HAPPEN UNLESS YOU ASK FOR IT. The secret now is to stand back, and let it happen, knowing that all circumstances that come your way now are God-given. WATCH, and you will see that the method is faultless, that the timing is perfect.


As children bring their broken toys

With tears for us to mend,

I brought my broken dreams to God

Because He was my friend.

But instead of leaving Him

In peace to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help

With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried

“How can you be so slow?”

“My child, “ he said. “What could I do?

You never let them go.

(ANON) from Wayne dyers – “Your Sacred Self.”


Here in solitude, in this time of peace, of meditation, I withdraw deep into the silent recesses of my being to a place of utter calm. Slowly the worl retreats from around me, until finally I am alone. Walled away from all clamor and strife there is nothing but me. I am not body; I am not thought; I am not experience; I am not the past nor the present nor the future. I simply am. Across my consciousness comes a constant procession of thoughts and I observe them. I do not make up these thoughts. I know they come from the Universal Subconscious Mind, and I watch as they are presented to me. I slow the train of thoughts. I examine each of them, then let go, neither accepting nor rejecting. On and on the thoughts come, and I ask myself, “Who is it that observes this? And I hear the answer, “Thou that art, always have been, and always will be – thou observe,” and I understand. Divorced from body, thought, and experience, I still exist as I always must. Here then is my true self, a thing independent of all but spirit, a contemplative “I”, which only observes and chooses from the thoughts that cross consciousness. Whatever I choose is mine. Whatever I reject shall never touch me. I need only observe and accept, and all things will be added unto me by a power which leaps to acknowledge my faith and my decision. I sense a fusion of my being with the great Universal Subconscious Mind, the mind of god. I sense the presence of the Father who knoweth no wrath, who does all things at his child’s bidding. I sense my union with this Father by immutable and irrevocable bonds. I am one with all truth, all beauty, all justice, all love.


963 Solfeggio

How many of you went home last week and gave it all up to God? All of you I hope.

Why waste this precious time we have here on Earth carrying around a load of burdens – all self-created!

There is a way to discuss these `problems` with God;

First of all, you THANK him for them. Yes – THANK! Remember, with your enlightened way of thinking, these are no longer problems – they are CHALLENGES, and to overcome them is to grow. Then you give thanks for the outcome, AS IF IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. The reason for this is that as far as Spirit and the Universe is concerned, everything is happening NOW, there is no time, as such to them.

So it`s not “PLEASE make me well soon”, but “Thank you for my perfect health NOW”. Even though you feel far from perfect as you give that prayer up, as you give thanks for that perfect Health it is granted RIGHT NOW in the ETHERIC.

Remember everything starts in the invisible first, in the thought realm FIRST, and then it is only a matter of time until it manifests in your life. So, KEEP GIVING THANKS until it happens, AND IT WILL.

In all matters that you give up to God, TRULY give it up to Him, and MEAN IT when you say :YOUR WILL, NOT MINE”. We THINK we know what is best for us, we know what we want, but we only see a tiny part of the picture. The Universe knows which outcome will bring happiness for ALL concerned and it works accordingly. We usually focus on just one solution, and in doing that we could be shutting a hundred doors! Giving it up to God and leaving it open to the Universe allows the solution to come from ANY quarter – and more rapidly.

I was loaned a little book on the power of prayer in which the author described how her 12-year daughter became very sick with malaria. The mother prayed and prayed to God. Begging him to save her daughter, but the child got worse and worse. Finally, the priest was brought in, because she wasn’t expected to last the night, the exhausted mother finally said to God, “Alright, if it is your will that she is to die, then I ACCEPT”. As soon as she gave it over to God1s will, her daughter recovered.

Later she questioned others who had experienced similar “miracles”, and each time it was when they gave their problems over to God's will and gave up their own, AND THAT’S THE SECRET.

Having done that you sit back, wait and watch. In the case of an illness, the outcome is quite obvious, but if you are in a complicated situation that you have given thanks for being sorted out, then the workings of the Universe will be more subtle.

BECOME VERY ALERT! Watch out for the `signposts` that things are being attended to, maybe words of a song that you hear on the radio.

It could be in a book you are reading, or that someone suddenly lends to you (what prompted them to do that?) “Coincidences” could suddenly start to occur – and let me tell you here and now, that there is no such thing as coincidence – NOTHING happens ‘by chance’

WATCH THE THOUGHTS that come to you, for remember, they do come to you, not from you. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, and follow your hunches – for those hunches, coincidences, signposts, are all being put to you to lead you out of the mess you`re in.

DON’T ACT UNTIL YOU ARE PROMPTED TO. A prompt is a persistent thought that won’t go away – not to be confused with an IMPULSE, which is a fleeting thought – if you act on THAT, you usually regret it!

Have patience, and WAIT for those prompts because THE TIMING WILL BE PERFECT.

DON’T WORRY, you’ve given it all up to God – He has a much broader shoulder than you!!

Your job is to stay centred.

Every time you feel FEAR rising –


Every time you feel DOUBT niggling-


Every time you find yourself thinking “ WHAT IF ------?”-


For all those emotions drain you of vital energy, and you need all the energy you can get right now. The way to top up your energy reserves in times of stress is to turn to Nature. Make a point of , at least once a day, going outside and finding either a body of water, a tree, or a rock, and sit there consciously breathe in the energies that they give out. They are not just there to make a place look pretty! EVERYTHING on this planet that Nature provides, is for mankind’s benefit and healing. And that’s only the things you can SEE!

In the invisible realms we have a host of helpers in the Nature spirits, who gather around us in the HUNDREDS when we need emotional support. The water spirits help you to produce and release those healing tears.

The wind undines bring you creative thoughts.

The fire salamanders stir the angers and passions for release.

The elementals; fairies and gnomes, open your eyes to beauty.

So in going out into Nature, and tuning in to it, you energize yourself and attract these Beings to you.

The Sun is the largest source of energy – not if you lie in it for hours, but when you consciously feel its warmth and breathe in its PRANA;- life giving energy.

There`s a funny quote in the Readers Digest that says, “The object of most prayers is to wrangle an advance on good intentions”.

Let’s have no more wrangling!

Work consciously and with good intent, and all your prayers will be answered.

In your waiting time you are learning patience, and ultimately, serenity.

Use the white light, in all your meditations for yourself, and in all negative situations for others. Instead of angry words and reactions- PULSE OUT THE WHITE LIGHT, from your HEART AND YOUR MIND.

Instead of fear and helplessness – PULSE OUT THE WHITE LIGHT.

Instead of criticism and judgement – PULSE OUT THE WHITE LIGHT.

In using this you are eradicating all negative emotions from your mind, and at the same time you are creating a stronger and stronger energy field around yourself One which can only bring peace and happiness.

Never fear that in giving it all up to God's Will that you would then be just a puppet with the Universe pulling all the strings. It is when we are UNAWARE that we are as puppets, pulled this way and that by fear, uncertainty, and ignorance.

Our God-given free will can be a blessing or a curse. It should be used in full awareness “I choose to exercise my free will and I accept full responsibility for the decisions I make”.

By tuning into the universal Mind of God and co-operating with it, all your decisions will be the right ones, at the right time and in the right place.


I do not confuse what I seem to be with what I really am. I am never what I seem to be, and always what I really am – host to the indwelling God. I quiet the movements of my body, slow my breathing, and glide deep into the recesses of my being, to the very centre of my consciousness. Here in this place of infinite calm I become one with the immortal Self of the world, and I observe. My thoughts cross my consciousness in a never-ending stream. I do not create these thoughts. They come from the infinite reaches of the Universal Subconscious Mind and are directed by my consciousness, for I have attracted them. I may choose any thoughts I desire. I have but to decide, and the ideas and images I have chosen are directed to me. AS I accept them so will they manifest in my world. I alone decide what I will think; thus, I decide my entire life. I bar the door of my mind to negative thoughts or thoughts of evil. The door is always open to admit the positive, the good, the beautiful and the aspiring. I have complete confidence in the wisdom and the power of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I do not predict the manner in which each of my thoughts will manifest; I have complete faith that God moves in the most perfect manner. There is no such thing as lack unless it is accepted; the universe has infinite supply. Vigour and health, abundance and success are mine, for I choose only such thoughts. Love abounds in a universal Subconscious Mind, God. My every decision is answered from a perfect and inexhaustible source of power.


All Solfeggio

Over the last few weeks I have been pointing out the importance of being non-judgemental towards others, accepting others for what they are, not the way we think they should be. Forgiving others and letting go.

The following verse should clarify for you what it means to really let go;

To “let go “ does not mean to stop caring; it means I can’t do it for someone else.

To “let go” is not to cut myself off; it’s the realization that I can’t control another.

To “let go” is to admit powerlessness; which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To “let go” is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To “let go” is not to try to change or blame another, its to make the most of myself.

To “let go” is not to care for, but care about.

To “let go” is not to judge, but to allow another to be human being.

To “let go” is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their destinies.

To “let go” is not to be protective, its to permit another to face reality.

To “let go” is not to deny, but to accept.

To “let go” is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To “let go” is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.

To “let go” is not to criticize and regulate everybody, but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To “let go” is not to regret the past, but to grow and love for the future.

To “let go” is TO FEAR LESS, AND LOVE MORE. 9Amen)

And there’s the real key; FEAR LESS, when you do that you become fearless. All of our fears are groundless, and they cannot take form and come into being, UNLESS WE LET THEM. This is why it is so important to stay centred in the NOW, taking each day as it comes, enjoying and appreciating all that we have, and refusing to let the “What IFS”…come into our energy field.

During a recent difficult hospital stay, which I had been “told” was going to happen, and I had been “told” that nothing would be found and that everything was alright, I lapsed on the third morning, and while waiting for the test results my mind went into “What if…?” and that’s when the tears started, and I lost it. Only for a few minutes, but it was a scared, horrible few minutes, in which my mind worked overtime on all the possibilities that could happen. As it was, my fears were groundless, because – as promised, they found nothing wrong, everything coming back clear. Even though I am guided every step of the way receiving the messages to help me along, there are still times when I “forget”, and let the human negatives take-over – AND THAT`S ALL THEY ARE.

As a human being we have both positive and negative energies, which we are learning to balance in order to create spiritual power. UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS WHY SOMETIMES EXPERIENCE DOUBT AND FEAR. YOU`RE ONLY LEARNING HOW TO “JIGGLE” YOUR ENERGIES. So, each time you slip back into the negative way, REALIZE why its happening, FORGIVE YOURSELF, then carry on. You don’t lose any brownie points because you slipped, in fact, spirit probably let it happen to you so that you could get that understanding. It was a good lesson for me in the hospital, I only let it happen the one time. I definitely didn’t like the feeling it produced, and so I made sure I stayed in the now the whole time after that. The 14 days went swiftly by, with never a boring moment, never a wasted moment. And I came out feeling BETTER, even though all the doctors and pathologists were scratching their heads!!

That’s how you can use this power to get you through each and every situation, in a calm, positive way.

I mentioned back there about forgiving yourself when you slip. This is a very necessary process, and one that must be done before you can walk the spiritual path.

ALL of us HAVE THINGS IN OUR PAST THAT WE REGRET. Something we feel  we should have said or done, or maybe things we should not have said or done!

It is time to sit quietly now and focus on this. Realize that all events were stepping stones to get you to where you are right now. THE PAST IS OVER AND DONE WITH, and no amount of wishing or regret on your part can bring it back to be replayed. THIS IS YOUR BIGGEST LETTING GO. There is no way that you can change the past. BUT YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR PRESENT LIFE AND THUS YOUR FUTURE.




This verse by Emmanuel says it all;

How can you not forgive yourself?

For being exactly as you are?

To find the God within you

You must go through the portal of self-acceptance

As you are now.

Yes, all your faults and imperfections,

All your little secret fearful ugliness`s

That you are loathed to admit to yourself

Are already known.

They are part of the Divine pal.

True acceptance is saying “its all right” its all right. It’s all right.”


The truth about life is the infinite love of God for all things. Each man is my brother, bound to me by immortal and everlasting ties. I love all people; they dwell in my Father in them. I surrender my heart to humanity, and humanity serves me with love. I surrender my heart to God, and love the God becomes complete in me. I am one with all the power and vigour and knowledge of the universe. I let go of fear and confusion; they are illusions and cannot live with truth, which is love, which is complete and fulfilled in me now. The great reality of Universal Subconscious Mind is forever present at the centre of my being. I draw from it perfect intelligence, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect happiness, perfect love. I surrender all the built-up inhibitions that have been impressed upon me by the illusions of the world. I refuse to accept anything but truth, which is always the good and the positive. I move in accord with Divine Intelligence. I accept the will and the love of God, which I express in laughter and joy and pleasure and service. Only the good, the great, the significant, and the constructive do I add unto myself. Nothing else is allowed into the creative depths of my being. The surging desire of each man is to know the fulfilment of love. The way to this fulfilment is through contact with the centre of consciousness, through communion with the silent dweller within. I surrender my doubts and confusions and fears. Universal love is complete in me. I am united with God, move with God. I am serene and sure, joyful and achieving, confident of ultimate splendour.


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In the third lesson we talked about the first eight chakra centres; how each one was activated when we lived our life a certain way, and how the process was an automatic one until the opening of the 8th chakra when you knowingly made the choice to use energies in a negative or positive way.

Now I would like to tell you about what happens when the 9th and 10th chakras are opened. If you have chosen the spiritual path you will be opening and activating the 9th – the Christ within, and the 10th – the God within. These are two very powerful centres which raise your vibrations dramatically, bringing actual physical changes to every cell and atom of your body. A new awareness floods your consciousness, a heightened appreciation of all things, a new sense of beauty. An acceptance of your fellow man, and a real understanding of how and why he operates as he does.

The opening of the Christ within brings you ever closer to God, you suddenly completely recognize that this God energy is everything you look at, everyone you interact with . It becomes easier and easier to tap into communicate with  and you start to consciously use this Christ energy to help others by way of healing – and there are many ways to heal, not just by laying of hands.

 You become acutely aware of the energies given off in Nature for your benefit, and you gravitate towards them, for they are helping to raise your vibrations higher and higher. There are energy sites all over the world – for the Earth has chakra centres to!

1 Root Chakra        Russia, Siberia       -Neptune moon triton

2 Sacral                  Northern India, Darjeeling area    -Mercury

3 Solar plexus        Jarrahdale, western Australia      - Uranus

4 Heart                   Kona , Hawaii                                 - Sun

5 throat                   Iona, Hebrides, Scotland               -Mars

6 Third Eye             Matterhorn, Switzerland                - Neptune

7 Crown                  Calgary, Canada                            - Venus

8 Eighth                   Gobi Desert (Shambala)                  -Jupiter

9 Ninth                    Tibet                                                -Pluto

10 Tenth                  Andes, Peru (Macho Pinchou)        - Saturn

11 eleventh & Twelfth Jerusalem                                     -Moon

12                                                                                      - Titan

The earth has 10 negative chakras, as do we and these are- 1 Sahara (Closed), 2 Iran/ Iraq, river Euphrates. 3 The dead Sea. 4 South china. 5 Central England (Bristol to Newcastle). 6 chernoble, Russia. 7 Haiti. 8 New Orleans. 9 Chesapeake Bay, east Coast America. 10 Auschwitz, Poland.

And they instantly bring to mind negativity.

There are also spiritual gateways and portals. Gateways are where spirit can enter and materialize into this world. Then there are one-way portals to the inner world. These portals are for perfected, Beings of certain vibration, to enable them to revive memories of past abilities. (Anyone of lower vibration would not be activated or affected by these sites). They don’t physically go through these portals, the perfected Beings project their Mind through to the other side to gain knowledge, which they then bring back through the portal. There are 7 portals as there are 7 gateways. There are symbols for each of these places, which when used gives you access to them ‘from your armchair’.

The 7 portals can be used to enhance certain qualities. They are situated in

Cripple creek, Colorado             Spiritual Knowledge

Tetons, Montana                        Spiritual vibration

Calgary, Canada                          Spiritual healing

Gallipoli, Turkey                          Physical healing (1000 mile radius-Kuwait is the mouth of it)

Port Douglas, Australia                Spiritual Emotions

Avebury, England                        Manifestation Love

Matterhorn                                   Purification

We all of us have great information stored within us about the Universe, creation, Nature, and spirit. Lying there dormant, waiting to be tapped into when the body reaches the right level of vibration, and the mind starts to seek-

‘Knock, and the DOOR shall be open unto you’ “SEEK, and ye shall find”. THAT IS SO TRUE.

It happens gradually, the information comes through in bits and pieces, as if you are putting a giant jig-saw together, and you will receive the information that is relevant to the task that was chosen for you before you came here.

IN meditation, always ask for the Highest and the Best to come to you, that way your guides will ultimately lead you to the Highest Source- God. Our guides are caring, loving spirits, but depending on which level plane they come from, they can only teach you to their level of understanding. They are not offended if you keep asking for the Highest – it is their job to take you as far along the path as they are able.

Even when you get really high teachers, they will give you information to the level of your current understanding, then that information will broaden as your understanding increases.

Our highest truths are but half truths

Think not to settle down for ever in a truth.

Make use of it as a tent in which to pass a summers night,

But build no house of it, or it will be your tomb.

When you first have an inkling of its insufficiency

And begin to descry a dim counter-truth-looming beyond,

Then weep not, but give thanks;

It is the Lords voice whispering

“Take up thy bed and walk”

(Earl Balfour)

I will give you an example of this-

When I first received spiritual contact through automatic writing, much information was given to me about the great changes that are taking place in the world today as the Piscean Age draws to a close. I was warned of great natural disasters that would take place – all due to mankind’s wrong thinking. I was told we would move to the hills to be safe, and that we would have to become self-sufficient there. All kinds of advice were given on what to store, and to also make allowance for lots of other people who would be living with us. There were warnings of the world, as I knew it, coming to an end, and new beginnings.

I didn’t like the sound of this at all and was fearful for the kind of lives my children would have to live in their future, with their families. Books ‘came to me’ to back these warning’s up -other people had had the same – if not even more dire prophesies, put to them. These books spoke of tidal waves, continents disappearing, great loss of life.

But then I saw dates in some of them, and when the book had originally been published – the predictions were well past, and they had not come true. Then I thought of the various times in my own lifetime where people were ridiculed for starting ‘that the world would end on Sunday’.

So, I decided not to be upset by these writings, keep an open mind, and see what transpired.

Gradually information came to me that if I was on the Spiritual path, myself and my family would be taken care of, no matter where we lived, we would be in the right place, at the right time. There was no need to pack up and head for the hills!

Then I learned that a lot of this turmoil could be avoided if mankind changed his way of thinking. I was told to project my new found energy OUT to the world to aid in its transformation, and that thousands of others are doing the same. And in the passing years I have seen the impossible happen; the removal of the East Berlin wall, the breakdown of Communism in Russia, the miracle of Africa – and I see great improvements in the world!


Then I learned of the different dimensions of this Earth of ours, and how there have been many shifts; not of the poles of the Earth but of mans consciousness – and each produces a more positive world to live in. 

And that the climatic disasters will occur in this dimension of Earth for those who have earned it, while the rest raise themselves to a higher existence and awareness.

So, you see the importance of an open, positive mind, and the folly of ‘settling down for ever in a truth. EVERYTHING IS CHANGING, CONSTANTLY CHANGING, and we are always learning.

So, keep going until your questions are addressed to, and you receive your answers from God. The one who knows all, who created all things, who is everywhere, and who is within US.

Do not be in too much awe of this God, for the God that most of you think about is the one painted by the church – the wrathful, vengeful God who sits way up high, unattainable to mere man. Rather think of your God as a vital part of yourself within. GOD IS LIFE _ YOUR LIFE, when he is not there, neither can you be! Without Him we are nothing. It is our quest in life to find this God within and connect with the God energy. It is every mans right to do so. THIS IS NOT RESERVED FOR SAINTS AND MARTRS ONLY!

I SPEAK OF THIS IN A NON-RELIGIOUS WAY- religion has distorted our connection with God. This is a private individual thing between God and you. And the energy required to let this come about is the energy of LOVE. Learn to exercise love in all its many facets and you will let God into your life.

I have been impressing you to give all your problems up to God, to let go of fear, and to use the White Light on all negativity, This white light you use is the Christ Light – it too, is a form of love. We have talked of the correct way to pray. Now open your mind still further to accepting this God energy as your friend, the one you can always talk to, share your secrets with, and tell your wildest dreams to. In so doing you connect again with your spiritual source, the one in whose image you were made, your TRUE father.

When I first went on the Spiritual path; finding out about all the psychic things, moving tables, using crystals, seeing mediums, doing healing – I received dire warnings from various sources- an aunt who was in the christadelphians, Born Again Christians, Baptists – who all thought I was dealing with the Devil.

It did seem that initially, I turned AWAY from God. But what I have learned over the years, and what has happened to me personally, has brought me back full circle, to the point where I have never believed in God so much in my whole life, as I do now. There are many paths.

There are equivalent negative chakras to the 9th and 10th; the negative 9th and 10th are the Anti-Christ; and the Anti-God within. There are many books written about the Anti-Christ who is supposed to be coming into the world in the dire times predicted. KNOW THAT THIS ANTI_CHRIST IS ONLY A NEGATIVE ENERGY WITHIN. It is only activated if the occult path is chosen, and it is only activated within the person who chooses that path. THERE IS NO OUTER ANTI_CHRIST, NO PERSON WHO IS AN ANTI_CHRIST. In choosing the spiritual path we close down those negative chakras and they lose all influence.



The infinite creative power of the Universal Subconscious Mind lies within me. I attune myself, remove all barriers from my thought, become receptive to the purpose of God. I know that my life is great and good when I perform service with love. The right ideas are delivered to me, I accept them, and my subconscious Mind provides me with the means of bringing them into my world. I know that all things spring from the Universal Mind, which is infinitely abundant. Lack and limitation are errors of thinking, and I banish them from my consciousness. There can be no lack. I need only let the Universal mind express itself through me, and my world is filled with creativeness and achievement and prosperity; my goals will be delivered to me, for they will be the goals of God, who never fails. Whatever my task I perform it with love, for I know that when I serve another, I serve the purpose of a greater design. All about me I see the law of mutual exchange; therefore, I give as I would receive. I know that abundance and prosperity are mental conditions; I create them on the plane of mind with complete trust and confidence that they will manifest in my life. I refuse to accept undesirable circumstances as having final reality. First cause is mental and is never found in the world about me. A mighty truth is at the centre of my consciousness, where no work is difficult, where peace  always reigns, where all things are possible. I know that life is a journey which must be travelled step by step, and I am patient, enjoying the wonder of the way, with unshakeable faith in my destination. I submit my will, knowing that success will come when I fulfil the indwelling self.



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